Sunday 20 December 2015


New in Barcelona Event: walk #3 Park Guinardo, Bunkers del Carmel, Jardines de Ponce, Park Guell,

And the walk # 7 arrived

12.83 km of walk

Our meeting point was the camp del arpa metro Station

This time we were a small grouo but we had a great time :)

We arrive to the first good city view point at the Park Guinardo

and then walking a little longer we arrived to the Bunkers del carmel

The weather was not as great as other days but it wasn't a bad weather for december

We made a stop in a bar to eat and drink something :)

until we continued our walk

we were going to the top to the hil in the gardens of Ponce

Once3 on the top we head our way to  the park Guell

Once we left the Park guell we headed our way to the center throug Gracia

Until we reached the center

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You came to Barcelona, a place far away from your home, far away from your family and friends;
a big city where everything is new for you and you’re beginning an adventure simple by
moving to this city for a reason that can be work, study or just for a period of time to learn the language.
There are a lot of people in the same situation here in Barcelona and the idea is to bring all of us
together whilst we spend some time meeting new people and making new friends, enjoying different
activities and having a good time.
Welcome to Barcelona
Here you will find all the pictures of the activities that we make and also some information that you
might be interested

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